As a solar homeowner, you’re likely familiar with the irritating fees, forced sell-backs, and energy insecurity that results from a panel-only setup. Without a solar battery to store the energy you gain throughout the day, that energy is sent right back to the grid – oftentimes for a small credit.
Thankfully, there’s a way to bypass those solar sell-back fees and reduce your overall electricity bill, while ensuring always-on power for your critical medical devices or at-home office: a home power storage system, more specifically NeoVolta’s lithium-iron – not ion – powered solar battery.
At NeoVolta, we’ve designed a home battery backup that’s safer than our lithium-ion competitors, offers a longer average lifespan, and that’s capable of AC, DC, and AC/DC solar power. Along with helping homeowners save on traditional electricity costs, our NV14 home power storage unit is the key to distancing from the grid and achieving an always-on lifestyle.
Find out why your future is bright with a home battery backup system, and why our NV14 battery stands out from the crowd.
What is Home Power Storage?
A home power storage system, such as NeoVolta’s NV14 solar battery, is capable of storing solar energy from panels locally for later use. This relieves solar homeowners from the burden of mandatory energy sell-backs with a panel-only system. A home battery backup also allows for an “always-on” lifestyle, since your dependence on the grid is greatly reduced.
Although a home power storage system can’t power the entire home, they’re capable of keeping select rooms and devices powered on, including medical devices or at-home offices that require continuity, and much more. For these reasons and more, home battery backups are quickly rising in popularity, especially in California where NEM 3.0 is active, and areas that more commonly experience rolling blackouts and power outages.
Why Your Future is Bright with Home Power Storage
Electricity Savings
Energy savings have always been the core incentive for solar homeowners – and with home power storage, you can save on a handful of utility fees. More specifically, net metering, demand charges, and Time-of-Use (TOU) rates can be greatly reduced by installing a solar battery in your home:
Net Metering
As a homeowner with solar panels, but no home power storage, you’re likely aware and frustrated that your excess energy feeds back into the larger energy grid. This was the biggest incentive to installing panels – the energy sell-backs.
Nowadays, the margins on those sell-backs are much slimmer – and some utility companies will even charge a fee for back feeding energy to the utility. The only problem is, without a home battery backup to store that energy, you’ll have no choice but to send it back to the grid.
Under these circumstances, opting for a solar battery rather than back-feeding energy for slim margins or a small fee is preferable for most solar homeowners, hence the rising popularity of home power storage.
Demand Charges
Plenty of utility companies have implemented “demand charges.” These are determined based on the highest amount of power drawn during a single period.
Home power storage is a way to bypass these fees since you can program your system to provide power when demand is high – which can nix those charges from your monthly bill.
Lower Time-of-Use (TOU) Rates
A solar battery can also reduce TOU rates, or “peak” rates, which increase energy costs during periods of high demand. This window tends to fall within the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m., but it varies.
These fees can be effectively dropped with a home power storage system since you can store excess energy during slower hours, and use that energy during “peak” times.
Reliable Power for Your Home, Medical Devices & Offices
As power outages become more frequent, the demand for backup power sources is growing. Home solar batteries alone may not be able to fully replace grid electricity, but they can supply power to select rooms and essential devices when the grid isn’t able to. This is vital for customers who rely on medical equipment and require continuous power, or remote workers who need uninterrupted computer access. In fact, NeoVolta can power 54% more circuits than most of our competitors.
A home battery backup can also provide energy security during unforeseen emergencies, such as storms or earthquakes, or when utilities intentionally cut power as a preventative measure.
Long-Lasting, Fire-Safe Home Power Storage with NeoVolta
As a homeowner, you likely want the safest, longest-lasting home power storage option you can buy. One that has no thermal runaway and no risk for combustion, so that your home doesn’t catch fire the same way some lithium-ion options have.
Thanks to its lithium-iron phosphate composition, NeoVolta’s NV14 home power storage system is virtually fireproof, capable of switching between AC, DC, and AC/DC solar power, and can last up to 6,000 cycles – or 16.5 years. This is compared to lithium-ion competitors, whose units can reach 4,000 cycles, or about 10.95 years before requiring replacement.
Step into a brighter future with NeVolta’s NV14, ensuring your lights always stay on.
If you’re a solar homeowner who desires an always-on lifestyle, visit the NeoVolta website for more details on our NV14 battery and find installers near you.