If your fleet hasn’t adopted solar energy storage as a part of your sales offerings, now is the time to start.
Net metering incentives in California have been reduced, driving homeowners to prioritize the security of energy storage rather than the financial incentives offered by selling excess energy back. Now, homeowners are focusing on how solar tech can keep their lights and appliances on and electricity bills low – especially if they have critical medical devices or at-home offices that require continuity.
At NeoVolta, we’ve designed a solar battery that can keep select rooms and devices powered on when an outage strikes, while saving capital on net metering fees, demand charges, and more. By storing the energy caught by their panels, your homeowner clients can step into an “always-on” lifestyle, one free of pesky grid charges and able to stay powered on even when the rest of the neighborhood is dark.
Read on to learn why energy storage is the next step for solar dealers, and why NeoVolta’s NV14 solar battery stands out from the crowd.
Why Your Fleet Needs an Energy Storage Offering
Adding energy storage to your client’s solar panel systems can deliver a slew of benefits, from always-on power for critical devices to lower utility bills and more. It’s an especially important addition seeing as NEM 3.0 has cut back on incentives for energy sell-backs in California, which has pushed homeowners to prioritize the utility of solar tech rather than the immediate payoff.
As more and more solar homeowners veer towards energy storage, it’s all the more important for dealers to adopt a solar battery that fulfills the needs of their customers.
Benefits for Your Homeowner Clients
Always-On Power
Seeing as NEM 3.0 has greatly reduced the incentives for sell-backs, solar homeowners are prioritizing defense from blackouts and outages now more than ever before.
Many homeowners rely on medical devices, or at-home offices that need continuous power. With an energy storage system that stores solar energy throughout the day, your customers can seamlessly use those power stores when rolling blackouts or outages strike.
This is especially critical nowadays, with the threat of blackouts and grid failures rising as heat waves arise across the country. Homeowners in particularly hot areas may see their A/C systems fail due to extreme heat – but with an energy storage system such as NeoVolta’s NV14, your homeowners can keep their A/C systems powered at all times, allowing them to live in comfort.
Reduced Electricity Bills
Despite the impact of NEM 3.0 on sell-back rates, your homeowner clients will reap a handful of financial benefits from their energy storage systems.
Net metering fees, demand charges, and time-of-use (TOU) rates are a few examples of charges that can be avoided or reduced with a solar battery. As for net metering, if your homeowner clients have panel-only systems, their energy will feed back into the larger grid by default. Utility companies have offered credit for these sell-backs in the past, but those margins have thinned out, and some companies even charge a fee for net metering.
With an energy storage system, your clients can store that energy to use during “peak” times, saving them significant capital on TOU rates in the long run. Demand charges are similar in that they’re determined based on the highest amount of power drawn during a single period. But with a solar battery linked to your clients’ panels, they can program it to provide power when their demand is high, greatly reducing demand charges.
A Long-Term Solution
Your average lithium-ion solar battery can last up to 10.95 years, or 4,000 cycles, outperforming traditional generators which last less than half of that time. This, along with the generous 10-year warranties associated with most energy storage systems, gives homeowners the peace of mind knowing they’re signing up for a long-term solution.
Still, 4,000 cycles isn’t the best on the market. As opposed to popular lithium-ion batteries which offer 4,000 cycles and pose a risk for combustion, lithium-iron phosphate batteries can run up to 6,000 cycles, last up to 16.5 years, and pose no thermal runaway, meaning they don’t catch fire. At NeoVolta, this is what our NV14 battery is composed of.
NeoVolta’s NV14 Energy Storage System
Solar batteries allow homeowners to stay powered on when the grid goes down, but popular lithium-ion options pose combustion risks that make them less ideal for the home.
NeoVolta’s lithium-iron batteries don’t just last six years longer than li-ion on average – they have no thermal runaway risk, meaning your NV14 battery won’t catch fire. And when it comes to the home, where your customers and their families eat, sleep, and gather, no risk should be taken lightly.
Help your customers attain always-on power without the safety risks with NeoVolta’s NV14 solar battery.
If you’re a solar homeowner, visit the NeoVolta website for more details on our NV14 battery and find installers near you.