Monitoring Hundreds of Simultaneous Power Outages in Six States
SAN DIEGO, July 01, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Summer’s here, and for the western U.S. that means potentially disastrous wildfires and fire-safety blackouts. NeoVolta Inc., a San Diego–based manufacturer of residential energy storage systems, has launched a power outage map tracker for California, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Users can monitor the location, cause, and status of the outage, as well as the estimated fix time.
The near real-time data for NeoVolta’s tracker is compiled from San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), Pacific Power, Hawaii Electric Companies (HECO) and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), which together serve more than 40 million people. In addition to the map, users can also view a list of outages by state.
“Our power outage map will be full of pins every day, because the delicate infrastructure of the grid is falling apart,” said Brent Willson, CEO of NeoVolta. “The grid also faces a host of threats: planned wildfire outages, extreme weather, cyberattack, and physical sabotage. As a result, utility customers everywhere live under the constant threat of extended power outages.”
“Rebuilding and modernizing this infrastructure will take years and cost billions if not trillions of dollars. And who’s going to pay for it? Most likely the utility customers, in the form of much higher rates.”
To protect themselves against looming blackouts and sky-high utility rates, homeowners are turning to solar installations. NeoVolta’s NV14 home energy management system stores this solar power for later use rather than feeding it back to the grid, allowing customers to power their own homes indefinitely.
The power outage tracker can be accessed at